Everyday water needs.
Now without worry.
Just the right amount of salt, and a little bit of all good things. We’ve got you covered!
Everyday water needs.
Now without worry.
Just the right amount of salt, and a little bit of all good things. We’ve got you covered!
Accurate Treatment
Balanced pH.
Perfect TDS.
Our modern Raw Water Treatment equipment can monitor and treat various parameters of raw water simultaneously. Using multi-stage treatment, you can adjust the feed water just to the right pH, alkalinity, hardness, TDS, and a variety of other criteria. It’s a simple choice, backed with our expertise.
Accurate Treatment
Balanced pH.
Perfect TDS.
Our modern Raw Water Treatment equipment can monitor and treat various parameters of raw water simultaneously. Using multi-stage treatment, you can adjust the feed water just to the right pH, alkalinity, hardness, Dissolved Solids (TDS), and a variety of other criteria. It’s a simple choice, backed with our expertise.
Quality Construction
A great investment.
For every season.
Raw water quality is subject to seasonal variation. Span Raw Water Treatment Plants help you achieve maximum productivity by optimizing real-time water quality. So, you can focus on you manufacturing excellence while we treat the impurities and remove the pathogens.
Quality Construction
A great investment.
For every season.
Raw water quality is subject to seasonal variation. Span Raw Water Treatment Plants help you achieve maximum productivity by optimizing real-time water quality. So, you can focus on you manufacturing excellence while we treat the impurities and remove the pathogens.
Unique Water.
Special Treatment.
Your raw water quality depends on various site-specific factors such as geography, water flow rate, and upstream effluent releases. We build your raw water treatment plant based on the actual site condition. You plant can remove turbidity, suspended solids, unwanted pathogens, as well as foul taste and odor from raw water. We use physical, chemical, biological, and membrane processes to make the perfect raw water for your use.
Unique Water.
Special Water Treatment.
Your raw water quality depends on various site-specific factors such as geography, water flow rate, and upstream effluent releases. We build your raw water treatment plant based on the actual site condition. You plant can remove turbidity, suspended solids, unwanted pathogens, as well as foul taste and odor from raw water. We use physical, chemical, biological, and membrane processes to make the perfect raw water for your use.
Your Benefit.
Our Goal.
We want to get you the perfect treatment at the best price. For us, providing you with safe, usable raw water is our top priority. Our plants reduce your long-term ownership costs by automatically eliminating impurities.
Unmatched Service
From old to new.
We're always here.
We are always here to help you transition to your new water treatment equipment. Our support teams help you train operators to handle the automatic systems. Designed with human convenience in mind, we have outlined all our plants and solutions to take the ease of use to the next level.
It's Atma Nirbhar too.
Our next-generation system helps you reduce your long-term costs with minimum maintenance headaches. Span-SmartTM is the automatic plant management system that manages the entire plant with zero human intervention. With real-time water parameters and plant controls available at your fingertips, it is time for easy plant management.
Together, we can unlock the maximum return on your investment and ensure significant savings in the long run.
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